Seminars, on-line courses - Семінари, он-лайн курси
3 есе
“What are the challenges of implementing a CPD (continuous professional
development) program for teachers in your country and how can they be
overcome?”, “Describe a challenge you have
faced in the classroom. Provide an original and practical task that will
encourage teachers to think about the challenge you have outlined, and to
reflect on their own teaching”, “Your
experience of online or handheld learning and teaching” для отримання стипендії від Cambridge English Language Assessment для участі
в 48 щорічній міжнародній конференції IATEFL Harrogate, UK 2014 - Серпень-вересень 2013
Написання есе “How a good
language test can support effective learning” для отримання стипендії від Cambridge English Language
Assessment для участі в 5 міжнародній конференції ALTE 5th International Conference Paris
2014 - Вересень-жовтень 2013
Семінар «Boost your
skills in English: Developing Listening and Speaking Skills (Presenter: Robert
Hartigan”) - 13.11.2013
On-line edX курс університету Harvard University “Poetry in America: The
Poetry of Early New England” - 31.10. – 28.11.2013
On-line edX курс університету Georgetown University “Globalization’s
Winners and Losers: Challenges for Developed and Developing Countries” -
01.10. – 09.12.2013
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