суббота, 30 декабря 2017 г.

Teacher Professional Development - Професійний розвиток вчителя

 Participation in seminars and webinars in 2017 – Участь у семінарах та вебінарах в 2017 році

1) Pearson seminar “Teaching skills to young learners” - 12.01.2017 

2) Pearson seminar “The Wider World of English in Focus –06.04.2017

3) Oxford Professional Development seminar” Encouraging growth mindset in the classroom” - 03.10.2017

 4) Pearson seminar “CBLT – Competency-Based Language Teaching” -26.12.2017 

5) Oxford seminar «Teaching English to Young Learner - 28.12.2017


1) Oxford вебінар “Meet the New Program requirement with Solutions” - 25.08.2017

2) Oxford вебінар “Meet the New Program requirement with English Plus” -06.09.2017

3) Dinternal webinar “What’s New in the Classroom?”06.09.2017

4) Dinternal webinar “How to Plan Your Perfect Grammar Lesson”19.09.2017

5) Oxford Professional Development Webinar “Everything is better with music”20.09.2017

6) Cambridge webinar “Cambridge English: Digital citizenship, welfareand e-safety” - 27.09.2017

7) Macmillan Education live on-line teacher training session: “Independent Assessment – 2018: Developing Listening Skills” - 17.10.2017

8) Dinternal webinar “Plan Your Perfect Speaking Lesson” - 17.10.2017

9) Cambridge University Press webinar “Preparing for ZNO: making the most of Use of English tasks” - 27.10.2017

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