Participation in seminars and webinars in 2017 – Участь у семінарах та вебінарах в 2017 році
1) Pearson seminar “Teaching skills to young learners” - 12.01.2017
2) Pearson seminar “The Wider World of English in Focus” –06.04.2017
3) Oxford Professional Development seminar” Encouraging growth mindset in the classroom” - 03.10.2017
4) Pearson seminar “CBLT – Competency-Based Language Teaching” -26.12.2017
5) Oxford seminar «Teaching English to Young Learner” - 28.12.2017
1) Oxford вебінар “Meet the New Program requirement with Solutions” - 25.08.2017
2) Oxford вебінар “Meet the New Program requirement with English Plus” -06.09.2017
3) Dinternal webinar “What’s New in the Classroom?” – 06.09.2017
4) Dinternal webinar “How to Plan Your Perfect Grammar Lesson” –19.09.2017
5) Oxford Professional Development Webinar “Everything is better with music” –20.09.2017
6) Cambridge webinar “Cambridge English: Digital citizenship, welfareand e-safety” - 27.09.2017
7) Macmillan Education live on-line teacher training session: “Independent Assessment – 2018: Developing Listening Skills” - 17.10.2017
8) Dinternal webinar “Plan Your Perfect Speaking Lesson” - 17.10.2017
9) Cambridge University Press webinar “Preparing for ZNO: making the most of Use of English tasks” - 27.10.2017
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